CPHS 2024 5th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical & Human-Systems December 12-14, 2024  |  Antalya, Türkiye
5th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems
December 12-13, 2024, Antalya, Turkey

Last updated on December 11, 2024. This conference program is tentative and subject to change

Technical Program for Friday December 13, 2024

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FrPL Room T1
Plenary-Ruhi Sarikaya Plenary
FrAM_BR Room T1
Friday AM Coffee Break
FrAT1 Room T1
Network Games, Learning, and Control for Sustainability and Climate Change Invited Session
Co-Chair: Parasnis, RohitMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Organizer: Parasnis, RohitMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Organizer: Amin, SaurabhMassachusetts Institute of Technology
10:00-10:15, Paper FrAT1.1 
 Equity and Equality in Repeated Weighted Congestion Games with Artificial Currency Incentives (I)

Pedroso, Leonardo (Eindhoven University of Technology), Agazzi, Andrea (Università Di Pisa), Heemels, Maurice (Eindhoven University of Technology), Salazar, Mauro (Eindhoven University of Technology)
10:15-10:30, Paper FrAT1.2 
 A Game-Theoretic, Market-Based Approach to Extract Flexibility from Distributed Energy Resources (I)

Nair, Vineet (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Annaswamy, Anuradha (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech)
10:30-10:45, Paper FrAT1.3 
 Operations of a Ride-Pooling Autonomous Mobility-On-Demand System in Mixed Traffic (I)

Lucas, Clim (Eindhoven University of Technology), Paparella, Fabio (Eindhoven University of Technology), Cenedese, Carlo (ETH Zurich), Salazar, Mauro (Eindhoven University of Technology)
10:45-11:00, Paper FrAT1.4 
 Influencing Opinion Dynamics to Promote Sustainable Food Choices (I)

Fontan, Angela (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Eustachio Colombo, Patricia (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Green, Rosemary (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Johansson, Karl H. (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
11:00-11:15, Paper FrAT1.5 
 Game-Theoretic Policy Intervention Design for Sustainable Forestry (I)

Parasnis, Rohit (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Amin, Saurabh (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
11:15-11:30, Paper FrAT1.6 
 Strategic Control of Intersections for Efficient Traffic Routing without Tolls (I)

Saltan, Yusuf (Bilkent University), Koşay, Arda (Bilkent University), Lin, Chung-Wei (National Taiwan University), Sayin, Muhammed Omer (Bilkent University)
11:30-11:45, Paper FrAT1.7 
 Information Design for Congestion Minimization in Transportation Networks (I)

Ambrogio, Alexia (Politecnico Di Torino), Cianfanelli, Leonardo (Politecnico Di Torino), Como, Giacomo (Politecnico Di Torino)
FrAT2 Room T2
Interactions of Pilot Handling & Autonomy for Next Generation Aircraft
Invited Session
Chair: Erturk, Sukru AkifTurkish Aerospace
Co-Chair: Demir, MustafaTurkish Aerospace
Organizer: Erturk, Sukru AkifTurkish Aerospace
Organizer: Demir, MustafaTurkish Aerospace
10:00-10:15, Paper FrAT2.1 
 Adaptive Design Parameter Determination for Control Barrier Functions Using Reinforcement Learning (I)

Memis, Sezer (Istanbul Technical University), Demir, Esra (Istanbul Technical University), Senel, Serkan (Istanbul Technical University), Demir, Mustafa (Turkish Aerospace), Koyuncu, Emre (Istanbul Technical University)
10:15-10:30, Paper FrAT2.2 
 Modification of the Optimal Control Model of the Pilot and Its Application to the Selection of Inceptor Characteristics

Grishina, Alyona (Moscow Aviation Institute), Efremov, Aleksandr (Moscow Aviation Institute), Efremov, Eugene (Moscow Aviation Institute)
10:30-10:45, Paper FrAT2.3 
 Robust Motion Planning for a Differentially Flat Fixed-Wing Aircraft (I)

Aldabbas, Samer Raed (Turkish Aerospace Industries, Istanbul Technical University), Abu-Khalaf, Murad (Turkish Aerospace), Koyuncu, Emre (Istanbul Technical University)
10:45-11:00, Paper FrAT2.4 
 Exploring the Design Philosophy and Challenges in Cyber -Physical-Human Systems a Focus on Autonomous Terrain Following (I)

Yurtsever, Mehmet Gorkem (Turkish Aerospace Industries), Mor, Zeynep Seda (Turkish Aerospace Industries), Tasdemir, Ataberk (Turkish Aerospace Industries), Buyukekiz, Kadir Bulathan (Turkish Aerospace Industries), Bas, Emre (Turkish Aerospace Industries), Erkek, Bedirhan Burak (Turkish Aerospace Industries), Topuk, Seymanur (Turkish Aerospace Industries)
11:00-11:15, Paper FrAT2.5 
 Enhanced Flight Envelope Protection: A Novel Reinforcement Learning Approach (I)

Catak, Akin (Istanbul Technical University), Altunkaya, Ege Cagri (Istanbul Technical University), Demir, Mustafa (Turkish Aerospace), Koyuncu, Emre (Istanbul Technical University), Özkol, İbrahİm (Aerospace Research Center, İtÜ)
11:15-11:30, Paper FrAT2.6 
 Development of Means for Suppressing Negative Aircraft-Pilot Coupling Effects in Manual Control

Efremov, Aleksandr (Moscow Aviation Institute), Scherbakov, Aleksandr (Moscow Aviation Institute), Efremov, Eugene (Moscow Aviation Institute)
11:30-11:45, Paper FrAT2.7 
 Active Sidestick Control Integration for Enhanced Aircraft Flight Envelope Protection (I)

Altunkaya, Ege Cagri (Istanbul Technical University), Erol, Fatih (AIGNC Research Group, Aerospace Research Center, Istanbul Techni), Catak, Akin (Istanbul Technical University), Mert, Volkan (Turkish Aerospace), Capone, Pierluigi (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), Erturk, Sukru Akif (Turkish Aerospace), Koyuncu, Emre (Istanbul Technical University)
FrLU_BR Room T1
Friday Lunch Break / Women in CPHS Panel
FrBT1 Room T1
Autonomous Vehicles Regular Session
Chair: Vardar, YaseminTU Delft
Co-Chair: Ozay, NecmiyeUniversity of Michigan
13:30-13:45, Paper FrBT1.1 
 Human-Inspired Learning for Car Following Models

Al Habboush, Seymanur (Bilkent University), Yildiz, Yildiray (Bilkent University), Annaswamy, Anuradha (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech)
13:45-14:00, Paper FrBT1.2 
 ADAS Evolution: LSTM-Driven Autonomous Adaptation to Individual Driver Preferences

Wang, Yikai (Univ. Polytechnique Hauts-De-France, CNRS, UMR 8201 – LAMIH - La), Ota, Naoto (University of Tsukuba), Debernard, Serge (UPHF - Universite Polytechnique Hauts De France), Popieul, Jean-Christophe (University of Valenciennes/LAMIH)
14:00-14:15, Paper FrBT1.3 
 Analysis of Human Steering Behavior Differences in Human-In-Control and Autonomy-In-Control Driving

Mai, Rene (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Julius, Agung (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Mishra, Sandipan (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
14:15-14:30, Paper FrBT1.4 
 Development of a Novel Adaptive Driver Assistance Based on Real-Time Cornering Parameter Identification

Keleş, Ahmet (Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University), Dağ, Doğa (Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University), Cakmakci, Melih (Bilkent University)
14:30-14:45, Paper FrBT1.5 
 FITS: Ensuring Safe and Effective Touchscreen Use in Moving Vehicles

Pool, Daan Marinus (Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering), Vardar, Yasemin (TU Delft)
14:45-15:00, Paper FrBT1.6 
 4C: Custom-And-Correct-By-Construction Controller Synthesis Using Multi-Modal Human Feedback

Karagulle, Ruya (University of Michigan), Valdez Calderon, Marco Antonio (University of Michigan), Ozay, Necmiye (University of Michigan)
FrBT2 Room T2
Assistive Devices and Methods Regular Session
Co-Chair: Kille, SeanKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
13:30-13:45, Paper FrBT2.1 
 Human Decisions versus Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in a Pursuit-Evader Game

Adams, Takuma A (The University of Melbourne), Cullen, Andrew C. (University of Melbourne), Alpcan, Tansu (The University of Melbourne)
13:45-14:00, Paper FrBT2.2 
 Application of Decision-Making Model Involving Irrationality to Service Robot

Munakata, Shinon (Tokyo University of Science), Hashimoto, Takuya (Tokyo University of Science), Kitano, Keisuke (Tokyo University of Science), Ichikawa, Hiroko (Tokyo University of Science), Kogiso, Kiminao (University of Electro-Communications)
14:00-14:15, Paper FrBT2.3 
 Listening Effort Measurement in Unilateral Cochlear Implant Users: A Pupillometry Analysis

Ayar, Ceylan (Hacettepe University), Senli, Fahrettin Deniz (Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University), Cicek Cinar, Betul (Hacettepe University), Acarturk, Cengiz (Jagiellonian University)
14:15-14:30, Paper FrBT2.4 
 Validation of Human-Variability Respecting Optimal Control: A Preparational Study

Kille, Sean (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), Sobeloff, Leon (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), Fritz, Sebastian Andreas (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), Varga, Balint (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Campus South), Hohmann, Soeren (KIT)
FrPM_BR Room T1
Friday PM Coffee Break
FrCT1 Room T1
Advanced Control for CPHS II Regular Session
Chair: Namerikawa, ToruKeio University
Co-Chair: Qu, ZhihuaUniversity of Central Florida
15:30-15:45, Paper FrCT1.1 
 Human-In-The-Loop Adaptive Control Allocation for Uncertain Systems with Unknown Effector Degradation

Sarioglu, N. Eren (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), Vernyi, Kyle (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), Dogan, Kadriye Merve (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
15:45-16:00, Paper FrCT1.2 
 Human Supervision of High-Gain Observer-Based Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems

McCorkle, Patrick (Virginia Tech), Gautam, Kiran (Virginia Tech), Ramiandrisoa, Rojo (Virginia Tech), Boker, Almuatazbellah (Virginia Tech)
16:00-16:15, Paper FrCT1.3 
 Reconfiguration-Based Fault Tolerant Control Algorithm for LPV Descriptor Systems

Deng, Hao (University Paris-Saclay), Stoica, Cristina (CentraleSupélec/Laboratoire De Signaux Et Systèmes), Chadli, Mohammed (University Paris-Saclay, Univ Evry, IBISC, Evry France)
16:15-16:30, Paper FrCT1.4 
 Resilient Cooperative Control of Passivity-Short Systems against Man-In-The-Middle Attacks

Marasini, Ganesh (University of Central Florida), Qu, Zhihua (University of Central Florida), Mejia-Ruiz, Gabriel E (University of Central Florida)
16:30-16:45, Paper FrCT1.5 
 A Symmetric Divergence Measure in the Statistical Linearization

Chernyshov, Kirill (V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences)
16:45-17:00, Paper FrCT1.6 
 Security Measure Implementation for Distributed State Estimation

Shinohara, Takumi (Keio University), Namerikawa, Toru (Keio University)
FrCT2 Room T2
Games and Learning for CPHS Regular Session
Chair: Basar, TamerUniv. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Co-Chair: Li, Sarah H.Q.University of Washington
15:30-15:45, Paper FrCT2.1 
 On the Impact of Bounded Rationality in Strategic Data Gathering

Anand, Anju (Binghamton University), Akyol, Emrah (Binghamton University)
15:45-16:00, Paper FrCT2.2 
 Remote Estimation Games with Random Walk Processes: Stackelberg Equilibrium

Dökme, Atahan (Bogazici University), Velicheti, Raj Kiriti (UIUC), Bastopcu, Melih (Bilkent University), Basar, Tamer (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
16:00-16:15, Paper FrCT2.3 
 The Cyber-Placebo: Intelligent CPHS with Fake-AI?

Gabrecht, Marco (Technical University of Applied Sciences Lübeck: Lübeck, DE), Janneck, Monique (Technische Hochschule Luebeck), Hellbrueck, Horst (TH Luebeck), Matthies, Denys J.C. (Technical University of Applied Sciences Lübeck)
16:15-16:30, Paper FrCT2.4 
 Markov Potential Game with Reach-Avoid Objectives

Li, Sarah H.Q. (University of Washington), P. Vinod, Abraham (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories), Lygeros, John (ETH Zurich)
16:30-16:45, Paper FrCT2.5 
 Learning-Based Characterization of Noise Statistics for SoC Estimation Via Kalman Filtering

Erdem, Ahmet Can (Turkish Aerospace), Tekİn, BariŞ (Istanbul Technical University), Mert, Volkan (Turkish Aerospace), Kocabas, Derya Ahmet (Istanbul Technical University), Altun, Tuncay (Yozgat Bozok University)




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