18th IFAC Symposium on
Information Control Problems in Manufacturing
28-30 August 2024 | Vienna, Austria
Program at a Glance    Wednesday    Thursday    Friday    Author Index    Keyword Index  

Last updated on September 4, 2024. This conference program is tentative and subject to change

Technical Program for Thursday August 29, 2024

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ThKN Julius Raab Saal
Keynote of Prof. Dmitry Ivanov Hosted by Sebastian Schlund Regular Session
ThAT0 Julius Raab Saal
Industry 5.0 - Human-Centered Production and Logistics Systems - Part III Invited Session
Chair: Grosse, EricSaarland University
Co-Chair: Sgarbossa, FabioNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Organizer: Grosse, EricSaarland University
Organizer: Sgarbossa, FabioNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Organizer: Battini, DariaUniversity of Padua
Organizer: Glock, ChristophTechnische Universität Darmstadt
Organizer: Neumann, W. PatrickHuman Factors Engineering Lab, Department of Mechanical and Indu
Organizer: Calzavara, MartinaUniversity of Padua
10:15-10:35, Paper ThAT0.1 
 Human Factors in Healthcare Operations: A Case Study in Italian Emergency Rooms (I)

Piffari, ClaudiaUniversity of Bergamo
Lagorio, AlexandraUniversity of Bergamo
Cimini, ChiaraUniversity of Bergamo
Pinto, RobertoUniversity of Bergamo
10:35-10:55, Paper ThAT0.2 
 Balancing Physical Workload During Workforce Scheduling for Fair Task Assignment in a Manual Warehouse (I)

Lunin, AlexanderTechnical University of Darmstadt
10:55-11:15, Paper ThAT0.3 
 Leadership Impact on Employee Well-Being: The Order Picker’s Voice (I)

Cretskens, IlseHasselt University
Ramaekers, KatrienHasselt University
Caris, AnHasselt University
Van Laer, KoenUHasselt
11:15-11:35, Paper ThAT0.4 
 Performance Differences in the Ageing Workforce Era: An Experimental Study with Industry 4.0 Assistive Technologies (I)

Lucchese, AndreaPolytechnic University of Bari, Bari, Italy
Panagou, SotiriosNTNU
Sgarbossa, FabioNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
11:35-11:55, Paper ThAT0.5 
 A New Kinect-Enabled Motion Analysis Approach for Warehouse Materials Handling Activities (I)

Zheng, TingTechnical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt
Wildt, ConstantinTechnical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt
Zhang, MinqiSaarland University
Glock, ChristophTechnische Universität Darmstadt
Weidinger, FelixTechnical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt
Grosse, EricSaarland University
ThAT1 Saal 1
Advances Toward Smart Digitized Shopfloors Special Session
Chair: Cohen, YuvalAfeka Tel Aviv College of Engineering
Co-Chair: Macchi, MarcoPolitecnico Di Milano
Organizer: Negri, ElisaPolitecnico Di Milano
Organizer: Cohen, YuvalAfeka Tel Aviv College of Engineering
Organizer: Macchi, MarcoPolitecnico Di Milano
Organizer: Yao, XifanSouth China Univ of Technology
Organizer: Faccio, MaurizioUniversity of Padova
10:15-10:35, Paper ThAT1.1 
 Information Flow in Digital Twin for “Detection to Repair” of Defects Using Additive Manufacturing (I)

Bender, DylanUniversity of Ontario Institute of Technology
Anderson, JordanOntario Power Generation
Gilbert, MikeOntario Power Generation
Barari, AhmadUniversity of Ontario Institute of Technology
10:35-10:55, Paper ThAT1.2 
 Proposal of a Human-In-The-Loop-Based Framework for Advancing Maintenance Applications for Collaborative Robots (I)

Polenghi, AdalbertoPolitecnico Di Milano
Macchi, MarcoPolitecnico Di Milano
10:55-11:15, Paper ThAT1.3 
 Generative Shopfloor Layout Design: Challenges and Proposed Modelling Approach (I)

Cohen, YuvalAfeka Tel Aviv College of Engineering
Aperstein, YehuditAfeka
11:15-11:35, Paper ThAT1.4 
 Automation of Operations in Assembly of Battery Modules in Electric Vehicles (I)

Ashourpour, MiladJönköping School of Engineering
11:35-11:55, Paper ThAT1.5 
 How Does the Application of Augmented Reality Affect the Mental Workload of Human Workers? a Collection of Preliminary Results (I)

Maretto, LeonardoUniversity of Padua
Battini, DariaUniversity of Padua
Faccio, MaurizioUniversity of Padova
Granata, IreneUniversità Degli Studi Di Padova
Jaber, Mohamad Y.Ryerson University
ThAT2 Saal 2
CHAllenges to Human–machine Collaboration for SUstainable Production
(CHASUP’24) - Part I
Open Track Session
Chair: Patalas-Maliszewska, JustynaUniversity of Zielona Góra
Co-Chair: Nielsen, IzabelaAalborg University
Organizer: Patalas-Maliszewska, JustynaUniversity of Zielona Góra
Organizer: Dix, MartinTechnical University of Chemnitz
Organizer: Nielsen, IzabelaAalborg University
Organizer: Bocewicz, GrzegorzKoszalin University of Technology
Organizer: Robertas, DamaševičiusKaunas University of Technology
Organizer: Banaszak, ZbigniewKoszalin University of Technology
10:15-10:35, Paper ThAT2.1 
 PCA Analysis of Resource Availability As One of the Inputs in the Process of Estimating the Length of Assembly Time for Complex Products (I)

Brzozowska, JolantaLublin Univeristy of Technology
Kulisz, MonikaLublin University of Technology
Gola, ArkadiuszFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technolo
10:35-10:55, Paper ThAT2.2 
 Challenges to Sustainable Production: A Case Study of Machining Process (I)

Patalas-Maliszewska, JustynaUniversity of Zielona Góra
Łosyk, HannaUniversity of Zielona Góra
Rehm, MatthiasTU Chemnitz
10:55-11:15, Paper ThAT2.3 
 Preventive and Proactive Planning of PaaS Maintenance Service Teams (I)

Szwarc, ErykKoszalin University of Technology
Bocewicz, GrzegorzKoszalin University of Technology
Gola, ArkadiuszFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technolo
Wójcik, RobertWrocław University of Science and Technology
Banaszak, ZbigniewKoszalin University of Technology
11:15-11:35, Paper ThAT2.4 
 Modelling Smart Machining Process towards Intelligent Manufacturing - a Case Study (I)

Musalekar, DineshkumarLumel Alucast Sp. Z O.o
Patalas-Maliszewska, JustynaUniversity of Zielona Góra
ThAT3 Saal 3
Supply Chain Resilience and Viability Invited Session
Chair: Calzavara, MartinaUniversity of Padua
Co-Chair: Dolgui, AlexandreIMT Atlantique
Organizer: Calzavara, MartinaUniversity of Padua
Organizer: Battini, DariaUniversity of Padua
Organizer: Dolgui, AlexandreIMT Atlantique
Organizer: Ivanov, DmitryBerlin School of Economics and Law
10:15-10:35, Paper ThAT3.1 
 Network Science Indicators and Their Relationship with Performance During Disruptions: A Case Study (I)

Martignago, MicheleUniversity of Padova
Nguyen, PhuBerlin School of Economics and Law
Katiraee, NiloofarUniversity of Padova
Calzavara, MartinaUniversity of Padua
Ivanov, DmitryBerlin School of Economics and Law
10:35-10:55, Paper ThAT3.2 
 Viability and Resilience in the Personal Protective Equipment Supply Chain. the Impacts of Covid-19 (I)

Caggia, GiuliaDepartment of Management and Production Engineering, Politecnico
Fondrevelle, JulienLaboratoire Decision Et Information Pour Les Systemes De Product
Cagliano, Anna CorinnaPolitecnico Di Torino
10:55-11:15, Paper ThAT3.3 
 Increasing Supply Network Resilience by Collaborative Negotiation Protocols (I)

Weber, FrederikPurdue University
Nof, Shimon Y.Purdue University
11:15-11:35, Paper ThAT3.4 
 Commission-Rate vs. Fixed-Fee Contract in a Supply Chain of Mobile Apps Involving Risk (I)

Avinadav, TalBar Ilan University
Levy, PrielBar-Ilan University
11:35-11:55, Paper ThAT3.5 
 Challenges in Healthcare Supply Chain Resilience Management: A Conceptual Framework (I)

Piffari, ClaudiaUniversity of Bergamo
Lagorio, AlexandraUniversity of Bergamo
Pinto, RobertoUniversity of Bergamo
ThAT4 Saal 4
Technologies for Circular Economy and Sustainability in Industry - Part II Invited Session
Chair: Vignali, GiuseppeUniversity of Parma
Co-Chair: Bottani, EleonoraUniversity of Parma, Department of Engineering and Architecture
Organizer: Bottani, EleonoraUniversity of Parma, Department of Engineering and Architecture
Organizer: Stefanini, RobertaUniversity of Parma
Organizer: Vignali, GiuseppeUniversity of Parma
10:15-10:35, Paper ThAT4.1 
 Sustainable Maintenance: What Are the Key Technology Drivers for Ensuring Positive Impacts of Manufacturing Industries? (I)

Madreiter, TheresaFraunhofer Austria
Trajanoski, BorjanTU Wien
Martinetti, AlbertoUniversity of Twente
Ansari, FazelVienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
10:35-10:55, Paper ThAT4.2 
 A Platform Architecture for Data and AI-Supported Human-Centred Zero Defect Manufacturing for Sustainable Production (I)

Berndt, RenéFraunhofer Austria
Cobârzan, DorianaFraunhofer Austria
Eggeling, EvaFraunhofer Austria
10:55-11:15, Paper ThAT4.3 
 Influence-Based Analysis of Disruptions in an Energy Distribution Network Following a Main Channel Outage (I)

Kalboussi, EyaLGIPM
Ndhaief, NadiaUniversité De Lorraine
Rezg, NidhalMetz Univ
11:15-11:35, Paper ThAT4.4 
 Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in Civil Construction Using Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing (I)

Helio Alencar Oliveira, FranciscoEscola Politecnica Da USP
Picelli, RenatoEscola Politecnica Da USP
Silva, Emilio Carlos NelliEscola Politecnica Da Universidade De Sao Paulo
Barari, AhmadUniversity of Ontario Institute of Technology
Romano, Roberto Cesar de OliveiraEscola Politecnica Da USP
Pileggi, Rafael GiulianoEscola Politecnica Da USP
Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniversity of Sao Paulo
11:35-11:55, Paper ThAT4.5 
 Sustainability in Servitization: A Review of Assessment Methodologies for the Steel Sector (I)

Galimberti, MattiaUniversity of Bergamo
Cimini, ChiaraUniversity of Bergamo
Cavalieri, SergioUniversity of Bergamo
ThAT5 Saal 5
Simulation Modeling, Machine Learning and Optimization Algorithms to
Support Decision Making in Production and Logistics - Part I
Invited Session
Chair: Reggelin, TobiasOtto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Co-Chair: Galka, StefanOTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
Organizer: Reggelin, TobiasOtto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Organizer: Lang, SebastianFraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
Organizer: Galka, StefanOTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
Organizer: Mebarki, NasserNantes UNiversity
Organizer: Reyes Rubiano, Lorena SilvanaUniversidad De La Sabana, Colombia and Otto-Von-Guericke Univers
10:15-10:35, Paper ThAT5.1 
 Simulation Study of a Multi-Level Shuttle System with In-Rack Picking Stations (I)

Ferrari, AndreaPolitecnico Di Torino
Verso, AlessandraPolitecnico Di Torino
Carlin, AntonioPolitecnico Di Torino
Rafele, CarloPolitecnico Di Torino
10:35-10:55, Paper ThAT5.2 
 Minimizing the Number of Mail Sorting Sessions As a Variant of Vector Bin-Packing: A Case Study at La Poste (I)

Amann, EmmanuelleNantes Université
Gurevsky, EvgenyUniversité De Nantes
Laurent, ArnaudNantes Université
Mebarki, NasserNantes UNiversity
10:55-11:15, Paper ThAT5.3 
 Value Stream Management 4.0 - Simulating Improvement Measures and Implementing Them (I)

Wollert, TimMagdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Al-Aomar, RaidGerman Jordanian University, Jordanian
Behrendt, FabianMagdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany
11:15-11:35, Paper ThAT5.4 
 Using Sentiment Analysis to Detect Disruptive Events in Supply Chains (I)

Katoor Vishnuthilak, KiranOtto-Von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Rolf, BenjaminOtto-Von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Reggelin, TobiasOtto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Lang, SebastianFraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
11:35-11:55, Paper ThAT5.5 
 Rainbow versus Deep Q-Network: A Reinforcement Learning Comparison on the Flexible Job-Shop Problem (I)

Corrêa, ArthurCEMMPRE, ARISE, University of Coimbra
Jesus, AlexandreCEMMPRE, ARISE, University of Coimbra
Silva, CristóvãoCEMUC, University of Coimbra
Peças, PauloIDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade De Lisboa
Moniz, SamuelUniversity of Coimbra Faculty of Sciences and Technology
ThAT6 Saal 6
Intelligent Methods and Tools Supporting Decision Making in Manufacturing
Systems and Supply Chains - Part I
Open Track Session
Chair: Frazzon, Enzo MorosiniFederal University of Santa Catarina
Co-Chair: Freitag, MichaelUniversity of Bremen
Organizer: Freitag, MichaelUniversity of Bremen
Organizer: Oger, RaphaelToulouse University, IMT Mines Albi, Industrial Engineering Cent
Organizer: Frazzon, Enzo MorosiniFederal University of Santa Catarina
Organizer: Pereira, Carlos EduardoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande Do Sul - UFRGS
10:15-10:35, Paper ThAT6.1 
 A Method for Managing Metrology WIP Queues in an Adaptive Sampling and an Automated Context (I)

Dilosi, AllwellArts Et Métiers ParisTech
Hassan, AlaaUniversity of Lorraine
Siadat, AliArts Et Métiers ParisTech
Mili, AymenINP Grenoble - France
10:35-10:55, Paper ThAT6.2 
 Towards a Data-Driven Adaptive Approach for Integrated Inventory, Production and Maintenance Control (I)

Broda, EikeUniversity of Bremen
Takeda-Berger, Satie LedouxFederal University of Santa Catarina
Agostino, IcaroFederal University of Santa Catarina
Frazzon, Enzo MorosiniFederal University of Santa Catarina
Freitag, MichaelUniversity of Bremen
10:55-11:15, Paper ThAT6.3 
 An Integrated Concept for Robust Supply Chain and Manufacturing System (I)

Dai, ChenghaoFraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
Böhme, TorstenFraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
Häberer, SebastianFraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
11:15-11:35, Paper ThAT6.4 
 Trust and Reputation Systems for Production Networks (I)

Szaller, ÁdámHUN-REN Institue for Computer Science and Control
Bozóki, SándorHUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI)
Csató, LászlóHUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTA
Egri, PeterMTA SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungaria
Szádoczki, ZsomborHUN-REN SZTAKI; Corvinus University of Budapest
Váncza, JózsefInstitute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI)
ThLU_TC1 Julius Raab Saal
TC 5.1 - Manufacturing Plant Control | Chair Marco Macchi Regular Session
Chair: Macchi, MarcoPolitecnico Di Milano
ThLU_TC2 Saal 6
TC 5.3 - Integration and Interoperability of Enterprise Systems | Chair
Qing Li
Regular Session
Chair: Li, QingTsinghua University
ThBT0 Julius Raab Saal
Panel Discussion on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing | Speaker: Caroline
Viarouge | Discussant: Daniel Valtiner, Ana Paula Nishio De Sousa, Enzo
Frazzon, Dmitry Ivanov | Hosted by Sebastian Schlund
Regular Session
Chair: Schlund, SebastianTU Wien
ThBT4 Saal 4
Digital Transformation in SMEs: Industrial Practices, State of the Art,
Challenges and Issues - Part II
Invited Session
Chair: Arbaoui, TahaINSA De Lyon
Organizer: Berrah, LamiaSavoie University
Organizer: Gzara, LiliaINSA Lyon
13:00-13:20, Paper ThBT4.1 
 Assessing Zero-Defect Manufacturing Maturity: A Review of the State of the Art (I)

Pachimuthu, DanusuyaPolitecnico Di Milano
Pinzone, MartaPolitecnico Di Milano
Taisch, MarcoPolitecnico Di Milano
13:20-13:40, Paper ThBT4.2 
 Unveiling the Gap: The Misalignement of Digital Transformation Support Tools for Manufacturing SMEs (I)

Bélanger, CharlesUQTR - Université Du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Gamache, SébastienUniversité Du Québec à Trois-Rivières
13:40-14:00, Paper ThBT4.3 
 “Smart” Lead Time Prediction in SMEs Environments: A Theoretical Framework Proposal (I)

De Simone, ValentinaUniversity of Salerno
Di Pasquale, ValentinaUniversity of Salerno
Iannone, RaffaeleUniversity of Salerno
Miranda, SalvatoreUniversity of Salerno
14:00-14:20, Paper ThBT4.4 
 Challenges and Solutions to Adopt Smart Maintenance in SMEs: A Literature Review and Research Agenda (I)

Nasirinejad, MajidDalhousie University
Afshari, HamidDalhousie University
Sampalli, SrinivasDalhousie University
14:20-14:40, Paper ThBT4.5 
 A Literature Review of Maturity Models for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (I)

Abadia Bermeo, SofiaUniversity of Los Andes
Avila, OscarInstitut National Des Sciences Appliquées
Goepp, VirginieInstitut National Des Sciences Appliquées De Strasbourg
ThBT5 Saal 5
Simulation Modeling, Machine Learning and Optimization Algorithms to
Support Decision Making in Production and Logistics - Part II
Invited Session
Chair: Reggelin, TobiasOtto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Co-Chair: Galka, StefanOTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
Organizer: Reggelin, TobiasOtto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Organizer: Lang, SebastianFraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
Organizer: Galka, StefanOTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
Organizer: Mebarki, NasserNantes UNiversity
Organizer: Reyes Rubiano, Lorena SilvanaUniversidad De La Sabana, Colombia and Otto-Von-Guericke Univers
13:00-13:20, Paper ThBT5.1 
 A Novel Personnel Planning Method to Improve Operations Management: Transferring Lessons Learned from Manufacturing to Healthcare (I)

Alexander, GaalCenter for Sustainable Production and Logistics, Fraunhofer Aust
Dummer, WolfgangCenter for Sustainable Production and Logistics, Fraunhofer Aust
Lindorfer, PaulCenter for Sustainable Production and Logistics, Fraunhofer Aust
Ansari, FazelVienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
13:20-13:40, Paper ThBT5.2 
 Virtual Commissioning of a 5-Axis Positioning System: A Case Study (I)

Schamp, MatthiasGhent University
Huysentruyt, StijnGhent University
Hoedt, StevenUGhent
Aghezzaf, El-HoussaineGhent University and Flanders Make
Cottyn, JohannesGhent University
13:40-14:00, Paper ThBT5.3 
 Coupling Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and Machine Learning for Manufacturing Time Estimation (I)

Sylla, AbdourahimGrenoble INP / GSCOP Laboratory
Hajj Chehade, MostafaUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, G-SCOP
14:00-14:20, Paper ThBT5.4 
 Integrating Machine Learning and Operations Research Methods for Scheduling Problems: A Bibliometric Analysis and Literature Review (I)

Ouhadi, AyoubUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP G-SCOP, 38000, Grenoble
Yahouni, ZakariaUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP*, G-SCOP
Di Mascolo, MariaCNRS, Institut National Polytechnique De Grenoble
14:20-14:40, Paper ThBT5.5 
 Flexible Programming Model for Efficient Workload Control in the Car Sequencing Problem (I)

Jalilvand, SanaLIRIS Laboratory, UMR 5205 CNRS, INSA of Lyon
Mahmoodjanloo, MehdiLIRIS Laboratory, UMR 5205 CNRS, INSA of Lyon
Baboli, ArmandINSA-Lyon, LIRIS Laboratory, F-69621, France
ThCT0 Julius Raab Saal
Industry 5.0 - Human-Centered Production and Logistics Systems - Part IV Invited Session
Chair: Grosse, EricSaarland University
Co-Chair: Sgarbossa, FabioNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Organizer: Grosse, EricSaarland University
Organizer: Sgarbossa, FabioNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Organizer: Battini, DariaUniversity of Padua
Organizer: Glock, ChristophTechnische Universität Darmstadt
Organizer: Neumann, W. PatrickHuman Factors Engineering Lab, Department of Mechanical and Indu
Organizer: Calzavara, MartinaUniversity of Padua
15:15-15:35, Paper ThCT0.1 
 The Variance Learning Curve in Retail Order Picking (I)

Loske, DominicTechnical University of Darmstadt
Klumpp, MatthiasTU Darmstadt
15:35-15:55, Paper ThCT0.2 
 Industry 5.0 and Supply Chain Management: Coevolution and Future Research Directions (I)

Bandara, Aluthkumbura Mudiyanselage Amila Shanaka MahindaDepartment of Operations Management, University of Peradeniya, P
Thibbotuwawa Gamage, Amila IndunilUniversity of Moratuwa
Perera, NilesUniversity of Moratuwa
Nielsen, PeterAalborg University
15:55-16:15, Paper ThCT0.3 
 Human Factors on the Road: Truck Drivers' Heterogeneity in Distribution (I)

Keil, MariaTechnical University of Darmstadt
Loske, DominicTechnical University of Darmstadt
Tiziana, ModicaPolitecnico Milano
Klumpp, MatthiasTU Darmstadt
16:15-16:35, Paper ThCT0.4 
 Selection of Motion Capture Technologies for Industry 5.0 Production Systems: A Structured Literature Review (I)

Harnau, ErikOtto-Von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Breiter, StephanOtto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Arlinghaus, JuliaOtto-Von-Guericke University Magdeburg
ThCT1 Saal 1
Challenges and Opportunities in Applying Additive Manufacturing for
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Invited Session
Chair: Peron, MircoNEOMA Business School
Co-Chair: Finco, SerenaUniversità Degli Studi Di Padova
Organizer: Peron, MircoNEOMA Business School
Organizer: Finco, SerenaUniversità Degli Studi Di Padova
Organizer: Lolli, FrancescoUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Organizer: Basten, RobEindhoven University of Technology
Organizer: Knofius, NilsFieldmade AS
Organizer: Sgarbossa, FabioNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Organizer: Ivanov, DmitryBerlin School of Economics and Law
Organizer: Choi, Tsan-MingThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
15:15-15:35, Paper ThCT1.1 
 A Framework to Assess the Impact of Recycled or Reused Metal Powder on Circular Additive Manufacturing (I)

Demiralay, EnesNorwegian University of Science and Technology
Sgarbossa, FabioNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Razavi, NimaNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
15:35-15:55, Paper ThCT1.2 
 A Production Scheduling Case Study Solved for Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion (I)

Pastore, EricaPolitecnico Di Torino
Galati, ManuelaPolitecnico Di Torino
Alfieri, AriannaPolitecnico Di Torino
Iuliano, LucaPolitecnico Di Torino
15:55-16:15, Paper ThCT1.3 
 Examining Replacement Part Supply Chain Links with Intellectual Property Issues When Using Additive Manufacturing (I)

Adu-Amankwa, KwakuUniversity of Strathclyde
Rentizelas, AthanasiosNational Technical University of Athens
Corney, JonathanUniversity of Edinburgh
Wodehouse, AndrewUniversity of Strathclyde
16:15-16:35, Paper ThCT1.4 
 Potentials and Challenges of Hybrid Manufacturing for Sustainable Production (I)

Nair, Vishnu ParameswaranCarinthia University of Applied Sciences (FH Kaernten)
Guerra, EduardoADMiRE Research Center, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
Georg, EggerADMiRE Research Center, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
Darvishifard, KayvanADMiRE Research Center, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
Brandstötter, MathiasCarinthia University of Applied Sciences
16:35-16:55, Paper ThCT1.5 
 Impact of Additive Manufacturing and Parametric Design on the Structure and Economic Efficiency of Construction Supply Chains (I)

Schneidenbach, KonradMünster University of Applied Sciences, Münster School of Busine
Feldmann, CarstenMünster University of Applied Sciences
16:55-17:15, Paper ThCT1.6 
 Numerical Analysis of a Spare Parts Supply Chain with Additive Manufacturing (I)

van Oers, JorisEindhoven University of Technology
Tanil, IpekEindhoven University of Technology
Basten, RobEindhoven University of Technology
ThCT2 Saal 2
CHAllenges to Human–machine Collaboration for SUstainable Production
(CHASUP’24) - Part II
Open Track Session
Chair: Patalas-Maliszewska, JustynaUniversity of Zielona Góra
Co-Chair: Nielsen, IzabelaAalborg University
Organizer: Patalas-Maliszewska, JustynaUniversity of Zielona Góra
Organizer: Dix, MartinTechnical University of Chemnitz
Organizer: Nielsen, IzabelaAalborg University
Organizer: Bocewicz, GrzegorzKoszalin University of Technology
Organizer: Robertas, DamaševičiusKaunas University of Technology
Organizer: Banaszak, ZbigniewKoszalin University of Technology
15:15-15:35, Paper ThCT2.1 
 Review of Methods for Developing and Integration of a Digital Twin in NC-Based Production Systems (I)

Norberger, ManuelChemnitz University of Technology
Rehm, MatthiasTU Chemnitz
Schlegel, HolgerChemnitz University of Technology, IWP
Dix, MartinTechnical University of Chemnitz
Patalas-Maliszewska, JustynaUniversity of Zielona Góra
15:35-15:55, Paper ThCT2.2 
 Study of the Use of Robotic Process Automation in Supporting Customer Order Process (I)

Krzywy, JacekŁukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technolo
Dorofiejczuk, KarolLukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology
Nowak, FilipLukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology
Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, MalgorzataPoznan University of Technology
15:55-16:15, Paper ThCT2.3 
 Efficiency Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Object Detection for Safe Human Robot Collaboration (I)

Dudek, AdamFaculty of Technical Science, University of Applied Sciences In
Patalas-Maliszewska, JustynaUniversity of Zielona Góra
Rokosz, KrzysztofKoszalin University of Technology
16:15-16:35, Paper ThCT2.4 
 The Relation between Cognitive and Organizational Factors in the Production Environment (I)

Sahyoun, VincentArts Et Metiers Institute of Technology, Université De Lorraine,
Petronijevic, JelenaArts Et Métiers ParisTech
Etienne, AlainArts Et Metiers ParisTech Centre Metz
Moniz, António BrandãoUniversidade Nova De Lisboa
Krings, Bettina-JohannaKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
Siadat, AliArts Et Métiers ParisTech
16:35-16:55, Paper ThCT2.5 
 A Digital Twin for Detecting Liquid-Liquid Interface in Containers (I)

Silva Jr, Agesinaldo M.EPUSP
Tanabi, NaserEPUSP
Barari, AhmadUniversity of Ontario Institute of Technology
Vieira Pereira, Luiz OctavioPetrobras
Buiochi, FlavioUniversity of Sao Paulo
Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniversity of Sao Paulo
ThCT3 Saal 3
MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Program, Staff Exchanges (SE) Call:
Regular Session
ThCT4 Saal 4
Invited Session
Chair: Calzavara, MartinaUniversity of Padua
Co-Chair: Grosse, EricSaarland University
Organizer: Calzavara, MartinaUniversity of Padua
Organizer: Grosse, EricSaarland University
Organizer: Loske, DominicTechnical University of Darmstadt
Organizer: Tappia, ElenaPolitecnico Di Milano
Organizer: Zennaro, IleniaUniversity of Padova
15:15-15:35, Paper ThCT4.1 
 Ergonomic Evaluation of Human–Robot Collaborative Order Picking: A Combined Laboratory and Simulation Study (I)

Zhang, MinqiSaarland University
Marolt, JakobUniversity of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics
Bencak, PrimožUniversity of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics
Lerher, ToneUniversity of Maribor
Grosse, EricSaarland University
15:35-15:55, Paper ThCT4.2 
 Warehouse Picking or Putting? a Preliminary Study to Understand Their Applicability to Fresh Products (I)

Calzavara, MartinaUniversity of Padua
Persona, AlessandroUniversity of Padua
Zennaro, IleniaUniversity of Padova
15:55-16:15, Paper ThCT4.3 
 Demand Driven Material Requirement Planning: Core Concepts and Analysis of Its Behavior on a Case Study (I)

Bayard, StephanieEcole Centrale De Lyon
Grimaud, FrédéricEcole Des Mines De Saint-Etienne
Delorme, XavierMines Saint-Etienne
16:15-16:35, Paper ThCT4.4 
 Transition to Synchronization-Driven Smart Inbound Logistics: An Action Research-Oriented Study (I)

Castellucci, TeaPolitecnico Di Milano
Tappia, ElenaPolitecnico Di Milano
Moretti, EmilioPolitecnico Di Milano
Melacini, MarcoPolitecnico Di Milano
16:35-16:55, Paper ThCT4.5 
 Cold Storage Order Picking Performance: Effects of Load Unit Utilization and Product Volume (I)

Ranasinghe, ThiliniSaarland University
Loske, DominicTechnical University of Darmstadt
Grosse, EricSaarland University
ThCT5 Saal 5
Simulation Modeling, Machine Learning and Optimization Algorithms to
Support Decision Making in Production and Logistics - Part III
Invited Session
Chair: Reggelin, TobiasOtto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Co-Chair: Galka, StefanOTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
Organizer: Reggelin, TobiasOtto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
Organizer: Lang, SebastianFraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
Organizer: Galka, StefanOTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
Organizer: Mebarki, NasserNantes UNiversity
Organizer: Reyes Rubiano, Lorena SilvanaUniversidad De La Sabana, Colombia and Otto-Von-Guericke Univers
15:15-15:35, Paper ThCT5.1 
 An Approach Based on a Multi-Agent System for Production Scheduling Problem under Uncertainty on Solar Power (I)

Jabeur, Mohamed HabibOniris, INRAE, STATSC, 44300 Nantes, France
Mahjoub, SoniaOniris, Nantes Université, LEMNA, CS 82225, 44322 Nantes, Franc
Toublanc, CyrilOniris, Nantes Université, CNRS, GEPEA, UMR 6144, F-44000 Nantes
Cariou, VéroniqueOniris, INRAE, STATSC, 44300 Nantes, France
15:35-15:55, Paper ThCT5.2 
 Dynamic Process Force Simulation Model for Multi-Axis Milling Processes (I)

Rüppel, Adrian KarlRWTH Aachen University
Ochudlo, PatrickInstitute of Automatic Control (IRT), RWTH Aachen University
Meurer, MarkusManufacturing Technology Institute (MTI), RWTH Aachen University
Bergs, ThomasManufacturing Technology Institute (MTI), RWTH Aachen University
Stemmler, SebastianRWTH Aachen University
15:55-16:15, Paper ThCT5.3 
 Initialization of Simulation-Based Digital Twins for Internal Transport Systems (I)

Galka, StefanOTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
Schmid, FlorianOTH Regensburg
16:15-16:35, Paper ThCT5.4 
 The Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Setups and Operator Skills: An Application in the Textile Industry (I)

Perroux, TomINSA Lyon
Arbaoui, TahaINSA De Lyon
Merghem Boulahia, LeilaUTT
16:35-16:55, Paper ThCT5.5 
 Assessing External Wheat Supply Risk: Perspectives from a Low Middle-Income Country on Wheat Imports (I)

Somaweera, PraveenaUniversity of Moratuwa
Kosgoda, DilinaUniversity of Moratuwa
Perera, NilesUniversity of Moratuwa
ThCT6 Saal 6
Intelligent Methods and Tools Supporting Decision Making in Manufacturing
Systems and Supply Chains - Part II
Open Track Session
Chair: Frazzon, Enzo MorosiniFederal University of Santa Catarina
Co-Chair: Freitag, MichaelUniversity of Bremen
Organizer: Freitag, MichaelUniversity of Bremen
Organizer: Oger, RaphaelToulouse University, IMT Mines Albi, Industrial Engineering Cent
Organizer: Frazzon, Enzo MorosiniFederal University of Santa Catarina
Organizer: Pereira, Carlos EduardoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande Do Sul - UFRGS
15:15-15:35, Paper ThCT6.1 
 Cognitive Assistance Systems in Intralogistics: A User Study on the Effects of Varying Levels of Customization (I)

Stern, HendrikUniversity of Bremen
Diedrich, RebeccaUniversity of Bremen
Freitag, MichaelUniversity of Bremen
15:35-15:55, Paper ThCT6.2 
 New Visual Resource-Oriented Margins for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (I)

Siwane, OussamaPolytechnique Montréal
Pellerin, RobertPolytechnique Montreal
El Hallaoui, IssmailPolytechnique Montréal
15:55-16:15, Paper ThCT6.3 
 A Financialized Model for a Risk-Focused Sales and Operations Planning (I)

Fakhry, DanielleIMT Mines Albi
Oger, RaphaelToulouse University, IMT Mines Albi, Industrial Engineering Cent
Lauras, MatthieuCentre De Génie Industriel, Mines D'Albi
Pellegrin, VincentFigeac Aero
16:15-16:35, Paper ThCT6.4 
 Process Control Systems Based on Real-Time Digital Predictive Models (I)

Bakhtadze, NataliaV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy
Chereshko, AlexeyV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences
Elpashev, DenisV. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Acade
Suleykin, AleksandrV. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy
Shanshiashvili, BesarionGeorgian Technical University
ThGD Gala Dinner | Welcome by Prof. Peter Ertl | Performance by TU Orchestra (Hotel Intercontinental)
Keynote of Prof. Alexandre Dolgui Hosted by Prof. Dmitry Ivanov Regular Session




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