MTNS 2024 19-23 August 2024
Cambridge, UK
26th International Symposium on
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
Program at a Glance    Monday    Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday    Friday    Author Index    Keyword Index  

Last updated on July 31, 2024. This conference program is tentative and subject to change

Technical Program for Tuesday August 20, 2024

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TuP_LMH Lady Mitchell Hall
Plenary : AI and Optimization through a Geometric Lens Plenary Session
Chair: Sepulchre, Rodolphe J.University of Cambridge
Co-Chair: Fawzi, HamzaUniversity of Cambridge
09:00-10:00, Paper TuP_LMH.1 
 Plenary: AI and Optimization through a Geometric Lens

Sra, SuvritMIT
TuAM_LH Little Hall
Moment Problems, Convex Algebraic Geometry, and Semidefinite Relaxations
Invited Session
Co-Chair: Henrion, DidierLAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse
Organizer: Vinnikov, VictorBen Gurion University of the Negev
Organizer: Henrion, DidierLAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse
Organizer: Infusino, MariaUniversity of Cagliari
Organizer: Kuhlmann, SalmaUniversity of Konstanz
10:30-10:55, Paper TuAM_LH.1 
 Analysis and Control of Input-Affine Systems Using Parameterized Robust Counterparts (I)

Miller, JaredETH Zurich
Sznaier, MarioNortheastern University
10:55-11:20, Paper TuAM_LH.2 
 Peak Estimation of Nonnegative Models Using Signomial Optimization (I)

Miller, JaredETH Zurich
Dressler, MareikeUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
Murray, RileySandia National Laboratory
Wallington, KevinETH Zurich
Smith, Roy S.Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
11:20-11:45, Paper TuAM_LH.3 
 An Intrinsic Characterization of Moment Functionals in the Compact Case (I)

Infusino, MariaUniversity of Cagliari
Kuhlmann, SalmaUniversity of Konstanz
Kuna, TobiasUniversity of L'Aquila
Michalski, PatrickUniversität Konstanz
11:45-12:10, Paper TuAM_LH.4 
 Geometry of Exactness of Moment-SOS Relaxations for Polynomial Optimization (I)

Henrion, DidierLAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse
Optimal and H-Infty Control Regular Session
Chair: Mirkin, LeonidTechnion—IIT
Co-Chair: Gashi, BujarThe University of Liverpool
10:30-10:55, Paper TuAM_LR1.1 
 Optimization with Adaptive Window, Multi-Start and Comparative Fusion: A Novel Approach to Enhanced Iterative Stereo-Matching

Xue, YaoPennsylvania State University
Jiang, CaoyangHypeVR
Zheng, Yue'erAffiliated Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University
Armaou, AntoniosThe Pennsylvania State Univ
10:55-11:20, Paper TuAM_LR1.2 
 Kalman Filtering of Riesz-Spectral Systems by Spectral Factorization

Hastir, AnthonyUniversity of Wuppertal
Mohet, JudicaëlUniversity of Namur
Winkin, Joseph J.University of Namur (UNamur)
11:20-11:45, Paper TuAM_LR1.3 
 Optimal Regularized Transport with Incomplete Marginals Information

Pathan, Aayan MasoodNew York University Abu Dhabi - NYUAD
Pavon, MicheleUniversità Di Padova
11:45-12:10, Paper TuAM_LR1.4 
 Solution Analysis of H∞ /H2 Control Formulations Based on Chain-Scattering Description Approach

Tsai, Mi-ChingNational Cheng Kung Univ
Zhou, Yan-QiNational Cheng Kung University
Tsai, Bo-ChengNational Cheng Kung University
Ubadigha, Chinweze UkachukwuNational Cheng Kung University
Chang, Chi-YangNational Cheng-Kung University
12:10-12:35, Paper TuAM_LR1.5 
 Robust Control of Linear Stochastic Systems with Affine Plus Integral State Feedback

Gashi, BujarThe University of Liverpool
Hua, HaochenHohai University
12:35-13:00, Paper TuAM_LR1.6 
 Discrete-Time Performance Guaranteeing H_infty Event-Triggered Control

Mi, LaUniversity of Luxembourg
Mirkin, LeonidTechnion—IIT
Structure-Preserving Methods in Simulation, Control, and Learning of
Dynamical Systems
Invited Session
Chair: Othmane, AmineSaarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Organizer: Flasskamp, KathrinSaarland University, Germany
Organizer: Maslovskaya, SofyaPaderborn University
Organizer: Ober-Blöbaum, SinaPaderborn University
Organizer: Othmane, AmineSaarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
10:30-10:55, Paper TuAM_LR2.1 
 Learning Splitting and Composition Methods (I)

Lockyer, HenryUniversity of Bath
Kreusser, LisaUniversity of Bath
Mueller, EikeUniversity of Bath
Singh, PranavUniversity of Bath
10:55-11:20, Paper TuAM_LR2.2 
 Neural Networks Enhanced Integrators for Systems Defined by Ordinary Differential Equations (I)

Othmane, AmineSaarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Flasskamp, KathrinSaarland University, Germany
11:20-11:45, Paper TuAM_LR2.3 
 Sampling Deep Operator Networks (I)

Burak, IrynaTechnical University of Munich
Dietrich, FelixTechnical University of Munich
11:45-12:10, Paper TuAM_LR2.4 
 Quantum Simulation of Highly-Oscillatory Many-Body Hamiltonians for Near-Term Devices (I)

Chen, GuannanUniversity of Bath
Foroozandeh, MohammadaliUniversity of Oxford
Budd, ChrisUniversity of Bath
Singh, PranavUniversity of Bath
12:10-12:35, Paper TuAM_LR2.5 
 Symplectic Methods in Deep Learning (I)

Maslovskaya, SofyaPaderborn University
Ober-Blöbaum, SinaPaderborn University
12:35-13:00, Paper TuAM_LR2.6 
 Data-Driven Model Reduction for Soft Robots Via Lagrangian Operator Inference (I)

Sharma, HarshUniversity of California San Diego
Adibnazari, ImanUniversity of California San Diego
Cervera-Torralba, JacoboUniversity of California San Diego
Tolley, MichaelUniversity of California San Diego
Kramer, BorisUniversity of California San Diego
System Phase and Its Integration with System Gain Invited Session
Chair: Qiu, LiHong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech
Co-Chair: Chen, WeiPeking University
Organizer: Zhang, DingHong Kong University of Science and Technology
Organizer: Chen, WeiPeking University
Organizer: Qiu, LiHong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech
10:30-10:55, Paper TuAM_LR3.1 
 Synchronization of Multi-Agent Network Using Phase Alignment (I)

Wang, DanKTH Royal Institute of Technology
Chen, WeiPeking University
Qiu, LiHong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech
Johansson, Karl H.KTH Royal Institute of Technology
10:55-11:20, Paper TuAM_LR3.2 
 On Dissipativity Characterization of Phase of Multivariable LTI Systems (I)

Yang, XiaokanPeking University
Li, JunhuiPeking University
Chen, WeiPeking University
11:20-11:45, Paper TuAM_LR3.3 
 Scalable Phase Preservation in N-Port Networks with Diverse Connectivity Schemes (I)

Chen, JianqiNanjing University
Chen, WeiPeking University
Chen, ChaoKU Leuven
Qiu, LiHong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech
11:45-12:10, Paper TuAM_LR3.4 
 Mixed Singular Value and Phase Majorization Inequalities for Accretive Matrices and Operators (I)

Liu, YuwenDalian University of Technology
Qiu, LiHong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech
12:10-12:35, Paper TuAM_LR3.5 
 Sectored-Disk Problems and Robust Stability under Mixed Gain and Phase Uncertainty (I)

Liang, JiajinHong Kong University of Science and Technology
Zhao, DiTongji University
Qiu, LiHong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech
12:35-13:00, Paper TuAM_LR3.6 
 On Robustness against Phase and Gain Type Uncertainty (I)

Ringh, AxelChalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
Mao, XinHong Kong University of Science and Technology
Chen, WeiPeking University
Qiu, LiHong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech
Khong, Sei Zhen-
Operator Theoretic Methods in Identification and Control Invited Session
Chair: Kamalapurkar, RushikeshOklahoma State University
Co-Chair: Rosenfeld, JoelUniversity of South Florida
Organizer: Kamalapurkar, RushikeshOklahoma State University
Organizer: Rosenfeld, JoelUniversity of South Florida
10:30-10:55, Paper TuAM_LR4.1 
 Operator Approximations for Inverse Problems (I)

Rosenfeld, JoelUniversity of South Florida
Russo, BenjaminRiverside Research Institute
Kamalapurkar, RushikeshOklahoma State University
10:55-11:20, Paper TuAM_LR4.2 
 Weighted Composition Operators for Learning Nonlinear Dynamics (I)

Russo, BenjaminRiverside Research Institute
Messenger, DanielCU Boulder
Bortz, DavidUniversity of Colorado-Boulder
Rosenfeld, JoelUniversity of South Florida
11:20-11:45, Paper TuAM_LR4.3 
 A Dual Approach to Observer Design for Nonlinear Systems (I)

Mohet, JudicaëlUniversity of Namur
Mauroy, AlexandreUniversity of Namur
Winkin, Joseph J.University of Namur (UNamur)
11:45-12:10, Paper TuAM_LR4.4 
 On Convergent Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Its Equivalence with Occupation Kernel Regression (I)

Abudia, MoadOklahoma State University
Kamalapurkar, RushikeshOklahoma State University
Rosenfeld, JoelUniversity of South Florida
Networks and Transportation Systems Regular Session
Chair: Su, LanlanUniversity of Sheffield
Co-Chair: Lestas, IoannisUniversity of Cambridge,
10:30-10:55, Paper TuAM_LR5.1 
 On Output Consensus of Heterogeneous Dynamical Networks

Su, YongkangUniversity of Sheffield
Su, LanlanUniversity of Sheffield
Khong, Sei Zhen-
11:20-11:45, Paper TuAM_LR5.3 
 Frequency Control and Power Sharing for Combined Heat and Power Networks with Heat Pump Participation

Qin, XinUniversity of Cambridge
Lestas, IoannisUniversity of Cambridge,
11:45-12:10, Paper TuAM_LR5.4 
 Information Design in Bayesian Routing Games

Ambrogio, AlexiaPolitecnico Di Torino
Cianfanelli, LeonardoPolitecnico Di Torino
Como, GiacomoPolitecnico Di Torino
12:10-12:35, Paper TuAM_LR5.5 
 Continuous and Discrete Operation of Potential Flow Networks with Dissimilar Sink Potentials

Das, TarakIndian Institute of Technology, Madras
Kurian, VargheseUniversity of Delaware
Narasimhan, SridharakumarIndian Institute of Technology, Madras
12:35-13:00, Paper TuAM_LR5.6 
 Sensitivity Over the Infinite Lattice

Mi, LaUniversity of Luxembourg
Pates, RichardLund University
Learning and Optimization in Stochastic Systems and Control (II) Invited Session
Chair: Gruene, LarsUniv of Bayreuth
Co-Chair: Worthmann, KarlTU Ilmenau
Organizer: Gruene, LarsUniv of Bayreuth
Organizer: Worthmann, KarlTU Ilmenau
10:30-10:55, Paper TuAM_LR6.1 
 Statistical Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Model Reduction in Feedback Control (I)

Dolgov, SergeyUniversity of Bath
Kalise, DanteImperial College London
Saluzzi, LucaScuola Normale Superiore
10:55-11:20, Paper TuAM_LR6.2 
 Dynamic Programming in Probability Spaces Via Optimal Transport and Its Application to Multi-Agent Systems (I)

Lanzetti, NicolasETH Zürich
Terpin, AntonioETH Zürich
Dorfler, FlorianSwiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
11:20-11:45, Paper TuAM_LR6.3 
 On Koopman-Based Feedback Design with Stability Guarantees (I)

Strässer, RobinUniversity of Stuttgart
Schaller, ManuelTechnische Universität Ilmenau
Worthmann, KarlTU Ilmenau
Berberich, JulianUniversity of Stuttgart
Allgower, FrankUniversity of Stuttgart
11:45-12:10, Paper TuAM_LR6.4 
 Towards Nonlinear and Data-Driven Stochastic Optimal Control Via PDE-Constrained Optimization (I)

Houska, BorisShanghaiTech University
Schaller, ManuelTechnische Universität Ilmenau
Worthmann, KarlTU Ilmenau
12:10-12:35, Paper TuAM_LR6.5 
 Model Order Reduction for the TASEP Master Equation (I)

Pioch, KilianUniversity of Bayreuth
Kriecherbauer, ThomasUniversity of Bayreuth
Margaliot, MichaelTel Aviv University
Gruene, LarsUniv of Bayreuth
TuSP_LMH Lady Mitchell Hall
Semi-Plenary: Any-Dimensional Optimization Plenary Session
Chair: Rantzer, AndersLund Univ
Co-Chair: Helton, J. WilliamUniv. of California at San Diego
14:00-15:00, Paper TuSP_LMH.1 
 Semi-Plenary: Any-Dimensional Optimization

Chandresakaran, VenkatCaltech
TuSP_LH Little Hall
Semi-Plenary: Closed Loop Neurophysiology Plenary Session
Chair: Doyle, John C.California Inst. of Tech
Co-Chair: Giordano, GiuliaUniversità Degli Studi Di Trento
14:00-15:00, Paper TuSP_LH.1 
 Semi-Plenary: Closed Loop Neurophysiology

O'Leary, TimothyUniversity of Cambridge
Semi-Plenary: The Ubiquity and Applications of Lie Groups Plenary Session
Co-Chair: Bonnabel, SilvereMines ParisTech
14:00-15:00, Paper TuSP_LR3.1 
 Semi-Plenary: The Ubiquity and Applications of Lie Groups

Banavar, RaviIndian Institute of Technology
TuPM_LMH Lady Mitchell Hall
A Gentle Introduction to Representation Stability: Fundamentals and
Mini Course
Chair: Chandrasekaran, VenkatMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Co-Chair: Diaz, MateoJohns Hopkins University,
15:30-15:55, Paper TuPM_LMH.1 
 A Gentle Introduction to Representation Stability: Fundamentals and Applications

Levin, EitanCaltech
Diaz, MateoJohns Hopkins University,
Chandrasekaran, VenkatMassachusetts Institute of Technology
TuPM_LH Little Hall
Feedback Control Systems Regular Session
Chair: ter Horst, SanneNorth West University
Co-Chair: Forni, FulvioUniversity of Cambridge
15:30-15:55, Paper TuPM_LH.1 
 Magnitude-Feedback Control: A Study on Integrator Stabilization

Hansson, JonasLund University
Kjellqvist, OlleLund University
15:55-16:20, Paper TuPM_LH.2 
 Strategies for the Output Feedback Case of H2-Optimal Control for Poset-Causal Systems

ter Horst, SanneNorth West University
Zeelie, JacobusNorth-West University
16:20-16:45, Paper TuPM_LH.3 
 Stable Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning with Passive iFIR Controllers

Wang, ZixingUniversity of Cambridge
Forni, FulvioUniversity of Cambridge
16:45-17:10, Paper TuPM_LH.4 
 A Self Triggered Control Strategy for Disturbance Decoupling

Das, SayarEnphase Solar Energy Pvt Ltd
Patil, DeepakIndian Institute of Technology Delhi
17:10-17:35, Paper TuPM_LH.5 
 Towards Robust Funnel Model Predictive Control for Higher Order Systems

Dennstädt, DarioUniversität Paderborn
17:35-18:00, Paper TuPM_LH.6 
 On Derivative-Free Sample-And-Hold Control with Prescribed Performance

Lanza, LukasTechnische Universität Ilmenau
Optimal Control Regular Session
Chair: Jacob, BirgitBergische Universität Wuppertal
Co-Chair: Jones, MorganThe University of Sheffield
15:30-15:55, Paper TuPM_LR1.1 
 LQ-Optimal Control for a Class of Boundary Controlled Hyperbolic PDEs

Hastir, AnthonyUniversity of Wuppertal
Jacob, BirgitBergische Universität Wuppertal
Zwart, HansUniversity of Twente
15:55-16:20, Paper TuPM_LR1.2 
 A Minimax Optimal Controller for Positive Systems

Gurpegui, AlbaLund University
Tegling, EmmaLund University
Rantzer, AndersLund Univ
16:20-16:45, Paper TuPM_LR1.3 
 Model Predictive Bang-Bang Controller Synthesis Via Approximate Value Functions

Jones, MorganThe University of Sheffield
Nie, YuanboUniversity of Sheffield
Peet, Matthew MArizona State University
16:45-17:10, Paper TuPM_LR1.4 
 Nonlinear Sampled-Data Control: Optimal Robust Inter-Sample Tracking

Hammer, JacobUniv. of Florida
17:10-17:35, Paper TuPM_LR1.5 
 An Inverse Optimal Control Interpretation of Augmented Distributed Optimisation Algorithms

Hallinan, LiamUniversity of Cambridge
Lestas, IoannisUniversity of Cambridge,
17:35-18:00, Paper TuPM_LR1.6 
 Indefinite Optimal Stochastic Regulator for a Class of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems

Algoulity, MashaelUniversity of Tabuk
Gashi, BujarThe University of Liverpool
Learning and Surrogate Modeling of Port-Hamiltonian Systems Invited Session
Chair: Schaller, ManuelTechnische Universität Ilmenau
Co-Chair: Totzeck, ClaudiaBergische Universität Wuppertal
Organizer: Schaller, ManuelTechnische Universität Ilmenau
Organizer: Totzeck, ClaudiaBergische Universität Wuppertal
15:30-15:55, Paper TuPM_LR2.1 
 Structure-Preserving Model Reduction of Port-Hamiltonian Systems by Optimization (I)

Schwerdtner, PaulNew York University
Voigt, MatthiasUniDistance Suisse
15:55-16:20, Paper TuPM_LR2.2 
 Lumped Parameter Port-Hamiltonian Modeling and Order Reduction of Flexible Structures (I)

Sarkar, ArijitUniversity of Groningen
Dirksz, Daniel A.Philips
Scherpen, Jacquelien M.A.University of Groningen
16:20-16:45, Paper TuPM_LR2.3 
 Structure-Preserving Calibration of Linear Port-Hamiltonian Systems in Time Domain (I)

Totzeck, ClaudiaBergische Universität Wuppertal
16:45-17:10, Paper TuPM_LR2.4 
 Stabilisation of Stochastic Single-File Dynamics Using Port-Hamiltonian Systems (I)

Ackermann, JuliaUniversity of Wuppertal
Ehrhardt, MatthiasBergische Universität Wuppertal
Kruse, ThomasUniversity of Wuppertal
Tordeux, AntoineUniversity of Wuppertal
17:10-17:35, Paper TuPM_LR2.5 
 Structure-Preserving Model Reduction for Port-Hamiltonian Systems Based on Special Classes of Nonlinear Manifolds (I)

Schulze, PhilippTechnische Universität Berlin
17:35-18:00, Paper TuPM_LR2.6 
 Stability-Certified Learning of Control Systems with Quadratic Nonlinearities (I)

Pontes Duff, IgorMax Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Goyal, PawanMax Planck Institute for Dynamics of Compelx Technical Systems
Benner, PeterMax Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Mechanical Network Synthesis Regular Session
Chair: Pates, RichardLund University
Co-Chair: Wang, Fu-ChengNational Taiwan Univ
15:30-15:55, Paper TuPM_LR3.1 
 Concepts for a Rotary Fluid Inerter

Unwin, Alasdair Thomas RossiterUniversity of Cambridge
Smith, Malcolm C.University of Cambridge
15:55-16:20, Paper TuPM_LR3.2 
 Bifurcations in Latch-Mediated Spring Actuation (LaMSA) Systems

Srinivasan, VittalPurdue University
Hyun, Nak-seung P.Purdue University
16:20-16:45, Paper TuPM_LR3.3 
 Network Representations of the Inerter by Two-Port Matrix Framework

Tsai, I-HaurNational Taipei University of Technology
Chang, Chi-YangNational Cheng-Kung University
Yan, Wei-MonNational Taipei University of Technology
Yen, Jia-YushNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Wang, Fu-ChengNational Taiwan University
16:45-17:10, Paper TuPM_LR3.4 
 H2 and H-Infinity Optimal Control of Mass-Spring Systems

Lindberg, JohanLund University
Pates, RichardLund University
17:10-17:35, Paper TuPM_LR3.5 
 From Network Synthesis to Absorber Synthesis: A Multidomain Design Methodology

Nar, EmilyUniversity of Bristol
Li, YuanUniversity of Bristol
Jiang, Jason ZhengUniversity of Bristol
Titurus, BranislavUniversity of Bristol
Neild, Simon AndrewUniv of Bristol
17:35-18:00, Paper TuPM_LR3.6 
 Physics-Informed Network Synthesis Approach for Designing Vibration Suppression Systems

Liao, ZichenUniversity of Bristol
Qu, CenxiaoUniversity of Bristol
Wang, ZixiaoUniversity of Bristol
Li, YuanUniversity of Bristol
Graham, MarkUniversity of Bristol
Hill, TomUniversity of Bristol
Jiang, Jason ZhengUniversity of Bristol
Delay Systems Regular Session
Chair: Cantoni, MichaelUniversity of Melbourne
Co-Chair: Michiels, WimKU Leuven
15:30-15:55, Paper TuPM_LR4.1 
 Funnel Control in the Presence of Delays

Berger, ThomasUniversität Paderborn
Hachmeister, JanUniversität Paderborn
15:55-16:20, Paper TuPM_LR4.2 
 On Perturbation Gain Bounds for Asynchronous Sampled-Data Links

Cantoni, MichaelUniversity of Melbourne
16:20-16:45, Paper TuPM_LR4.3 
 Control Semiflows and Chain Controllability for Linear Delay Systems

Colonius, FritzUniv of Augsburg
16:45-17:10, Paper TuPM_LR4.4 
 Sampled-Data Finite-Dimensional Boundary Control for 1-D Burgers' Equation

Pan, LinaBeijing Institute of Technology
Wang, PengfeiTel-Aviv University
Fridman, EmiliaTel-Aviv Univ
17:10-17:35, Paper TuPM_LR4.5 
 Characterizations of Input-To-State Stability for Time-Delay Systems

Mironchenko, AndriiUniversity of Klagenfurt
Wirth, FabianUniversity of Passau
Chaillet, AntoineCentraleSupelec - IUF
Brivadis, LucasUniversité Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec
17:35-18:00, Paper TuPM_LR4.6 
 On the Notion of Filtered Spectral Abscissa of Continuous-Time Delay-Difference Equations

Michiels, WimKU Leuven
Hybrid Systems Regular Session
Chair: Briat, CorentinFHNW
15:30-15:55, Paper TuPM_LR5.1 
 Local Stabilization of Networked Linear Systems with Decentralized Switching Controllers

Khodja, GhaniaCentrale Lille Institut
Fiter, ChristopheUniversité De Lille
Hetel, LaurentiuCNRS
Floquet, ThierryCNRS
Michiels, WimKU Leuven
15:55-16:20, Paper TuPM_LR5.2 
 Robust Performance for Switched Systems with Constrained Switching and Its Application to Weakly Hard Real-Time Control Systems

Lang, SimonUniversity of Stuttgart, Institute for Systems Theory and Automa
Seidel, MarcUniversity of Stuttgart
Allgower, FrankUniversity of Stuttgart
16:20-16:45, Paper TuPM_LR5.3 
 Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Over Switching Networks Using Singularly Perturbed Hybrid Systems Framework

Tanwani, AneelLAAS -- CNRS, Université De Toulouse
Shim, HyungboSeoul National University
Teel, Andrew R.Univ. of California at Santa Barbara
16:45-17:10, Paper TuPM_LR5.4 
 Stability Analysis of Impulsive Linear Time-Invariant Infinite-Dimensional Systems

Briat, CorentinETH-Zurich
Ferrante, FrancescoUniversità Degli Studi Di Perugia
Prieur, ChristopheCNRS
17:10-17:35, Paper TuPM_LR5.5 
 Input-To-State Stability of Nonlinear Impulsive Systems with Hybrid Impulses

Kumar, RakeshKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Feketa, PetroVictoria University of Wellington
Meurer, ThomasKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
17:35-18:00, Paper TuPM_LR5.6 
 Hybrid Predictor-Corrector Numerical Schemes: Lambda-Tracking, Sampled-Data Observers and Data Assimilation

Mousa, AishaExeter University
Das, SaptarshiUniversity of Exeter
Townley, StuartUniv. of Exeter
Learning and Optimization in Stochastic Systems and Control (III) Invited Session
Chair: Gruene, LarsUniv of Bayreuth
Co-Chair: Worthmann, KarlTU Ilmenau
Organizer: Gruene, LarsUniv of Bayreuth
Organizer: Worthmann, KarlTU Ilmenau
15:30-15:55, Paper TuPM_LR6.1 
 Distributional Uncertainty Propagation Via Optimal Transport (I)

Aolaritei, LiviuETH Zurich
Lanzetti, NicolasETH Zürich
Dorfler, FlorianSwiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
Chen, HongruyuAutomatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich
15:55-16:20, Paper TuPM_LR6.2 
 Reinforcement Learning for Docking Maneuvers with Prescribed Performance (I)

Gottschalk, SimonUniversität Der Bundeswehr München
Lanza, LukasTechnische Universität Ilmenau
Worthmann, KarlTU Ilmenau
Lux-Gottschalk, KerstinEindhoven University of Technology
16:20-16:45, Paper TuPM_LR6.3 
 Generalized Synchronizations and Learning with Reservoir Systems (I)

Grigoryeva, LyudmilaUniversity of St. Gallen
Hart, AllenUniversity of Exeter
Ortega, Juan-PabloNanyang Technological University
16:45-17:10, Paper TuPM_LR6.4 
 Reservoir Kernels and Volterra Series (I)

Gonon, LukasImperial College London
Grigoryeva, LyudmilaUniversity of St. Gallen
Ortega, Juan-PabloNanyang Technological University
17:10-17:35, Paper TuPM_LR6.5 
 Convergence Analysis of Ensemble Filters for Linear Stochastic Systems with Poisson-Sampled Observations (I)

Tanwani, AneelLAAS -- CNRS, Université De Toulouse
Yufereva, OlgaKrasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
17:35-18:00, Paper TuPM_LR6.6 
 Risk-Neutral Limit of Adaptive Importance Sampling of Random Stopping Times (I)

Hartmann, CarstenBrandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
Jöster, AnnikaBrandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
TuE_LMH Lady Mitchell Hall
A Life in Science and Engineering: The Legacy of Allen Tannenbaum Invited Session
Chair: Smith, Malcolm C.University of Cambridge
Co-Chair: Georgiou, Tryphon T.Univ. of California, Irvine
Organizer: Chen, YongxinGeorgia Institute of Technology
Organizer: Georgiou, Tryphon T.Univ. of California, Irvine
18:10-19:00, Paper TuE_LMH.1 
 A Life in Science and Engineering: The Legacy of Allen Tannenbaum

Chen, YongxinGeorgia Institute of Technology
Georgiou, Tryphon T.Univ. of California, Irvine




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