CPES 2024 Paper Abstract


Paper ThuS1T2.3

Ennassiri, Yassine (University of Genoa), Ferro, Giulio (Università degli studi di Genova), Robba, Michela (University of Genoa), Damm, Gilney (University Gustave Eiffel), Prado, Edemar (Federal University of Bahia)

Techno-Economic Assessment of a Large Scale Electrolysis Plant in Hydrogen and Ancillary Service Markets

Scheduled for presentation during the Regular Session "Optimal Control, Management, and Scheduling in Energy Hubs" (ThuS1T2), Thursday, July 11, 2024, 09:40−10:00, Grand Amphitheater

12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power & Energy Systems, July 10-12, 2024, Rabat, Morocco

This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on March 6, 2025

Keywords Energy Economics and Energy Markets, Power Electronics Control, Converter Modeling, Simulation and Control


Hydrogen electrolysis systems have seen considerable interest from energy communities as a potential solution for shifting from fossil-based energy resources to clean energy alternatives. The system consists of transforming electricity into hydrogen via water electrolysis. As it is expected to have a large-scale connection with the grid to compensate the fluctuation of renewables, it is important to understand the system's technical and economic feasibility. Therefore, this work aims to provide a high-level techno-economic assessment for the participation of a large-scale electrolysis plant in hydrogen and grid ancillary service markets. The plant generates revenue from two sources: hydrogen and frequency regulation. Based on market prices of electricity and hydrogen, a linear programming (LP) optimization has shown that a 50MW electrolysis plant can generate a 33% increase in profit if the plant includes the grid support market in the business model. Additionally, simulations under unstable grid frequency have shown high reactivity of the system to maintain grid stability.


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