Paper FriS2T2.1
Benzaouia, Mohammed (National School of Applied Sciences, Mohamed First University, O), Benzaouia, Soufyane (LIS UMR CNRS 7020, of Aix Marseille University), Rabhi, Abdelhamid (M.I.S (Modelisation, Information et Systèmes)), Hajji, Bekkay (National School of Applied Sciences, Mohamed First University, O), elgharib, ahmed 1 (Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport)
Direct-Driven PMSG Wind Turbines: Adaptive Super Twisting Algorithm Control Approach
Scheduled for presentation during the Regular Session "Advances in the control of hybrid renewable energy systems" (FriS2T2), Friday, July 12, 2024,
11:30−11:50, Grand Amphitheater
12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power & Energy Systems, July 10-12, 2024, Rabat, Morocco
This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on March 6, 2025