Paper ThuS1T5.3
El Aoumari, Abdelaziz (ENSAM, Rabat), Ouadi, Hamid (Ismra), El-bakkouri, Jamal (ENSEM of Casablanca, Hassan II University of Casablanca), Giri, Fouad (University of Caen Normandie)
Optimal Oxygen Excess Ratio Control for PEM Fuel Cells Based on Backstepping Technique
Scheduled for presentation during the Regular Session "Green Hydrogen production, new challenges" (ThuS1T5), Thursday, July 11, 2024,
09:40−10:00, Session room 5
12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power & Energy Systems, July 10-12, 2024, Rabat, Morocco
This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on March 6, 2025