ICFDA 2024 International Conference on
Fractional Differentiation and its Applications
9-12 July 2024. Bordeaux, France
Program at a Glance    Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday    Friday    Author Index    Keyword Index    My Program  

Last updated on July 23, 2024. This conference program is tentative and subject to change

Technical Program for Tuesday July 9, 2024

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TuRE  Rue Add to My Program 
Tutorial Registration  
TuA01  Interactive Session, Room E008 Add to My Program 
Modeling and System Identification with the CRONE Toolbox I  
Chair: Victor, StephaneUniv. Bordeaux
Co-Chair: Malti, RachidICFDA 2024
TuA02  Interactive Session, Room E018 Add to My Program 
Faster Than FFT: Conformal Accelerations Method I  
Chair: Levendorskii, SergeiCalico Science Consulting
TuA03  Interactive Session, Room E012 Add to My Program 
Control-System Design with the CRONE Toolbox I  
Chair: Lanusse, PatrickBordeaux INP - Université De Bordeaux
TuA04  Interactive Session, Room E016 Add to My Program 
Fractional Calculus in Cybernetics  
Chair: Vinagre, B. M.Univ. De Extremadura
TuLU_BR  Espace Ingenieur Add to My Program 
Lunch Break 1  
TuB01  Interactive Session, Room E008 Add to My Program 
Modeling and System Identification with the CRONE Toolbox II  
Chair: Victor, StephaneUniv. Bordeaux
Co-Chair: Malti, RachidICFDA 2024
TuB02  Interactive Session, Room E018 Add to My Program 
Faster Than FFT: Conformal Accelerations Method II  
Chair: Levendorskii, SergeiCalico Science Consulting
TuB03  Interactive Session, Room E012 Add to My Program 
Control-System Design with the CRONE Toolbox II  
Chair: Lanusse, PatrickBordeaux INP - Université De Bordeaux
TuB04  Interactive Session, Room E016 Add to My Program 
Applied Fractional Calculus in Big Data and Machine Learning (AFC4BD+ML) I  
Chair: Chen, YangQuanUniversity of California, Merced
TuPM_BR  Rue Add to My Program 
Coffee Break TuPM  
TuC01  Interactive Session, Room E008 Add to My Program 
Modeling and System Identification with the CRONE Toolbox III  
Chair: Victor, StephaneUniv. Bordeaux
Co-Chair: Malti, RachidICFDA 2024
TuC02  Interactive Session, Room E018 Add to My Program 
Faster Than FFT: Conformal Accelerations Method III  
Chair: Levendorskii, SergeiCalico Science Consulting
TuC03  Interactive Session, Room E012 Add to My Program 
Control-System Design with the CRONE Toolbox III  
Chair: Lanusse, PatrickBordeaux INP - Université De Bordeaux
TuC04  Interactive Session, Room E016 Add to My Program 
Applied Fractional Calculus in Big Data and Machine Learning (AFC4BD+ML) II  
Chair: Chen, YangQuanUniversity of California, Merced




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